We offer many services to help with Speech and Language therapy needs for both children and parents in Rochester, NY and surrounding areas . Additionally, we offering speaking and mentoring services to help the larger community.
See what are clients are sayings. Each testimonial was provided by past and current clients.
Along with individual services, we offer groups for parents/caregivers and kids. Our groups provide opportunities for families to gain resources and ideas to help in their child’s developmental journey!

Making Communication Successful
Every child has a want and need to communicate. At Canalside Speech, we provide the tools for each child to build upon and improve their overall speech, language and listening skills. Services are personalized for each client to ensure that they are successful communicators across environments. Family engagement is key to each child’s success when working on speech, language, and listening skills.
Our Process
Canalside Speech specializes in tailored speech-language programs with the aim of successfully resolving delays. Speech-Language pathology is more than our job, its our passion! We use fun exercises to keep kids engaged through Speech-Language game play, letter and sound recognition activities. We offer both in person or teletherapy to help meet the needs of each family. Session lengths vary based on the child/family needs.